Welcome to 2016-17 hockey coverage at the Victory Press. The NWHL and CWHL seasons open this weekend, and we'll have recaps in the coming days. We'll also run down what has happened in the NCAA so far this year and look ahead. Our entire staff is back this year for hockey coverage. If you have a chance, tell Jashvina, Melissa, and Nicole that they are killing it.

On a quick personal note, your editor here has been going through some health issues, and I strongly considered shutting down Victory Press because I was concerned about being well enough to maintain the site, as well as going to work and supporting myself and all of that jazz. I am feeling much better now, but will still need to take it easy and focus on my health. When I brought this news to my hockey writing staff, everyone said they wanted to continue writing in some capacity, and our Patreon donors have been overwhelmingly generous throughout the summer, so we have enough money to operate throughout October and November at full steam. We have a Patreon goal of $700 a month. This goal will allow us to continue paying our hockey writing staff indefinitely. Meanwhile, I'm going to shift my editorial focus to planning longform features about sports.

The $700/month goal will also help me offer competitive rates for longform stories. Writing is not free; much of the work that appears on this site is written by full-time freelancers or freelancers with other jobs. They deserve to be compensated for their time and talents; and longform work is much more time-consuming for both the author and the editors. The more you give, the more we can do; and longer feature work is important not only because I feel it fills a void in the women's sports coverage landscape, but because it allows me personally to work at my own pace while I'm dealing with my health. The support I have received the last few months has been overwhelming and humbling, and I appreciate you all so much. If you can afford to give a few dollars a month to help me pay my writers, that'd be an awesome bonus.

Thank you for your continued support!